Deer Blessing

On a foggy night
in city gray
sadness poking at the flame
of hope in my heart
Aloneness wrapped about
shoulders like a heavy cloak
headlights discovered
four-legged figures
milling about
in my driveway
they would not move,
so I eased in amongst them
Deer blessing (until they shuffled off)
Gratitude and Joy

Monkey Mind

He sat
and his thoughts whizzed by
monkeys chittered and chattered
dancing in his head
He sat
and the world whizzed by
strife and troubles yelled and poked
whirling in his head
He sat
and his dreams floated by
promise and hope tickle
soothing instead
He sat
and he settled in peace
listening to silence within


Whittling away with a dull little knife
Nibbling a bit at a time
Keeping the surface smooth
A spider web in the sun
casting rainbow glitters
upon my eye
Dancing in the nonexistant breeze
Some days, it’s like that
chinks of excess scraped away
yet wispy hope glitters
in the light

Year 0ne

Playful as a puppy,
I ran with the bone of thought:
then by instinct
in the world of fear,
I buried it
to find again another day