The Journey

The Journey

The Journey
You may find exhilarating storms of hope
placid lakes of indifference
and rushing streams of joy
still throughout your intrepid journey
the constant thread stitches all
together in the heart

Eternal Optimist

Ever the optimist
always doing the “right” thing
Waiting patiently
for the inevitable good ending
right outcome
Putting in ever more elbow grease
effort unceasing
Dealing with cards dealt
finding the lining
or at least hints of it
With smile and hope
and bits of sparkle

Languish Quietly

Never mind
the mindless chatter
Nor the laws of men
against Nature
born of control issues
in pursuit of greed or power
Let them languish quietly instead
bellies up, laying in the grass
on a field of understanding
Surrounded by compassion
and the sweet aroma of hope

Wings of Hope

On the wings of hope
her ideas SOARED
certainty sprouted
from every fiber
Bolstered by prayers 
and elements 
hijacked from previously 
broken attempts
still useful in high places
And, ever resting like content cows
on a foundation of constant chewing

Avenue of Dreams

Sun spackled walls
around the heart
Paint faded and cracked
solid on the alleyway
where the shadows dwell
All light windows and doors
on the street and park side
on the avenue of hopes and dreams
The little child learned
oh, so very long ago
To keep her back covered
as she reached for the light