String of Days

Abandon not
your hopes of far reaches
In the day to day
keeping up of things
For each day, you can begin again
The happy striving
And begin again and again…
until before long, you’ll have a string of days

of hope and happiness

Be Still

Over the top
he saw the light
at the end of the tunnel
“Still, be still,”
he told his tender heart
“Let God love me!”

Color Me Hopeful

A colorful attitude
In the face of grey
Awakens a spark
Of inspiration
And ever hopeful
In the bones
Mumbles sweetness
Throughout the day
Color me hopeful…

Heart’s Nature

And as the balance tipped
Toward the days of shadow

Life falling like leaves
To drift into piles

Or scurry away
According to the whims
Of the wind

Then dreams brightened
Quickened in the bed of silence

Nurtured by the heart’s
Ever hopeful nature

Inner sunshine on a bleak day…

Orchestra of Justice

An orchestra of justice
Nature’s rhythms awoke

Played themes of peace
and incomprehensible hope
in lilting tones of possibility

“How could that be,” one wonders
“without control and argument?”

‘Tis simply natural law
as life flows with ease
and rushing grace

Through crags of challenge
and boulders of resistance