In the quiet moments,
my Spirit
shouts in tender whisper
“Life is a miracle!”
It’s then I realize
the gratitude
for it all
just welling up
like a bubbling spring
In the quiet moments,
my Spirit
shouts in tender whisper
“Life is a miracle!”
It’s then I realize
the gratitude
for it all
just welling up
like a bubbling spring
She found that her gratitude
carried her out of any valley,
healed the pain
of any situation
She became grateful
for her gratitude
Tell my heart, please
not to burst
with joy, and love, and overwhelming Grace
Whisper softly on the breezes of your breath
gratitudes, prolific gratitudes
Savor the sweet aroma of Spirit rising
surrounding every thought
encompassing every feeling
uplifting every deed
The giving of thanks
engulfed in the Praises
There, just above horizon,
upon first kissing the field
with tender light
and hints of warmth,
old Sol glints upon my eyes…
Here I stand with upraised arms
earth beneath my feet
and gaze into emblazoned beauty…
My cup overflows
joyous life runneth over
What is it about flowers?
Roses and violets, lilies and orchids
daisies and pansies and geraniums and daffodils,
luscious reminders
of lavish abundance,
each cactus blossom a delicate flame
every buttery mullein bloom
a study in perfection
Explore in the garden, even in fall
signposts of color mark your path
through God's prosperity thinking
and sweet attention to detail
*smiling in the face of adversity
*loving unconditionally
*dancing with abandon
*holding life joyously and sacred
*staying conscious
I give you AH!