Falls Trek

It’s time to plant
A winter’s garden
To toil in soil and clear ground
Make way through summer’s crop
and begin fall’s trek into winter
The seeds of greenness and deep roots
flourish in the autumn warmth
‘Neath still moist earth
rushing lazily to break through
• • •
There are seasons to our growth
and times to clear tired and leggy leftovers
from a season past
May your new harvest be bountiful…


The tiny seed sat suspended
In the waiting
With quiet excitement
Wanting with every fiber
Wishing to burst forth
And grow into
Its majestic magnificence
Waiting patiently
For the ideal conditions

Richness of Rose Petals

Tender thoughts
fragile with newness
and unfamiliarity
dropped like rose petals
on the shelf of fertile consciousness

Unwasted – only spent
this go around
adding richness to the moment
depth to the psyche

Potpourri of fodder

New blooms every season…

Mind Garden

Mind Garden

Scented slightly
of fragrant tulips
The garden of his mind flourished
with the new blossoming
of his thoughts
Zebra World

Zebra World

Zebra world
all black and white
an attitude
a way of thinking
Zebra world
surrounded by brilliant green
on Earth of red and yellow
and blue above
butterflies bright
rich life available to all
There is a place for all
no matter how they think