On the road of happy destiny
wearing joy faces with pizzazz
our hearts are intertwined
in sentiment’s design
Whether we march or skip or leap
makes naught a difference
for the eloquent camaraderie
a snappy rhythm keeps
Intended by a promise
to keep each other’s company
It’s so much fun going there
and traveling home again…
Filled with the knowing of it
and surrounded by the love
He rested peacefully in the silence
and listened with a smile on him
Just so — the symphony of his life
the full-bodied flavor rich
intense expression of his highest self
Was borne upon the instruments
and born of the Spirit of him
as he guest-conducted his life work
All the while, his life worked…
I used to zip around
in my little red cartoon car
Flinging all my passengers
as I flitted here and there
Flirting with exciting adventure
I gave my dreams a ride
Anticipation of sights unknown
would thrill up in my gut
Each new twist and turn
on the road of Life
Want a ride?
Beep, beep…!
Like jewels on velvet
the stars sparkled
I asked, “Can’t you do something
a little more exciting?”
Then, the biggest, brightest
flared, jumped, circled it’s neighbor
and flew out of view
Quicker than a hummingbird
as if to say, “I’m outta’ here!”
I stood there
mouth agape at the audacity