Charged by the people
that he meets and greets
He’s a cosmic cheerleader
an ear with a heart
A friend to the friendless
A light at the door
A young man with an old soul
Words of encouragement
a smile in the heart
with tender hearted caring
Embodying service
on the high watch
in success or defeat
(In honor of our friend – Dean, at the co-op)
Our house, if considered
speaks silently
of our lives and nameless quirks
Stoically witnesses
our poetry and sciences
And surrounds our life together
with kindness and generosity
Over the bridge
to self-discovery they walked
hand in hand
Each alone within
their thoughts
Yet they were
of one mind
The lovely paradox
They were buddies
travelin’ through life
side by side
singing and dancing
with sadness and gladness
anger and joy…
Even on a foggy morning
when the crows and jays
pursed their beaks in silent
honor of the moist stillness…
They sang in the warmth
of their friendship
silly or earnest
old show tunes or operatic phrases
buddies in Life…