Childish Hearts

all mumbly was my memory
with sparkly spots
here and there
‘til in dream awoke
bright and shiny
warm and pleasant summer day

and you and I
with childish hearts
hunkered down
on plastic ride toys
and raced on giggles

‘til falling over with glee

Seven Years of Blessings

On the path to Nirvana
in the world of mundane
There I met a traveler
with visions much the same

The more we shared our stories
and lessons we had learned
we discovered mutual interests
as well as bridges we had burned

On the road together
for oh, so many seasons
my love for you just gathers
for quickened hearts own reasons
A blessing in this lifetime
My joy with you keeps growing
I’m grateful for you, my partner
and for listening to inner knowing

• • • •

Today we celebrate 7 years of marriage. We have been recognizing that a lot of life’s cycles run in 7 year increments so we have been consciously defining the changes of our relationship, and thereby experiencing a great deepening of the richness of it. Happy anniversary, my love.

Friendship Poem

If I were to write a friendship poem
filled with joy, love
my deep appreciation

And hide it in the pocket of your shirt
or prop it up on the table
where you eat your breakfast

What a little thing
that would be

Yet shift happens

Like a butterfly’s fluttering wing
that one small act moves mountains
eventually or sooner

As you come to know a little more
how very much you are loved

Forever Friends

Once in the past
(a moment, a day, or years ago)
our eyes met
I knew you then
as if I’d known you always
My heart expanded
aching joy and love
and I knew bliss
Forever friends
my dear sweet partner
Friend Always

Friend Always

even though it may sometimes
seem that I take you for granted
or some such
the truth is I appreciate you
for who you are – all of you
for all you do
for all you refrain from doing
for being my friend always
even when I’m acting
like a putz