Dry Wells
It used to be we’d gather ’round
the Well of Life, as one
A community, come together
to fill up and be nourished
As much by each other’s company
as our thirst was slaked by water
Now, we thirst and hunger more
as if blinded by self-determination
we each attempt to dig our own
It gives a new meaning
to “holy ground”
All these dry wells
and still we hunger for community
for family…
Circle Dance
We all join hands
in the circle dance
called Life
Interlaced and interfaced
each playing our part
Here, Now, let us recognize
we need each other —
each part of the One creation
I honor you, my sister, brother
I am grateful for your presence
I give thanks for the Presence
for the gift of life
Old House
The Joy of Family
My Mom turned 80 this last week. That’s a major milestone, in my book. We had a big party for her in her home town, with lots of family and several friends of hers. A great time was had by all of all ages, from 7 weeks old to over 80. I so enjoyed the whole thing, especially getting to see my Mom and my Aunt and my sisters and getting to hold the newest 7 week old member of the family. That does fill me with extra joy, I’ll say.
So did the trip home. The fall colors were just exploding all over the place. The brilliant golden yellow aspen, the flaming red maples, the big fluffy white clouds stark against the brilliant blue sky: it was eyecandy everywhere. If I had stopped as I wanted to every time I saw a beautiful photograph in the making I would not have gotten home before dark, let alone before 2pm as I had promised. Color like that causes an aching joy in my chest. All of my pores fill up with it. No more is needed. I am complete.
What a perfectly wonderful weekend.