Energy in Motion

Raw emotion
(energy in motion)
moves the planet
the universe, our lives
• • • •o• • • •
All emotion a reflection OR deflection
of the One emotion we call Love
Energy in motion
relating to itself
• • • •o• • • •
The motion never ever stops
Always and ever
infilling the eternal Now

Beautiful Feelings

Feelings rise up and out
charging forward
a herd of wild horses
Best expressing the beauty
of their existence
when running free
unhampered by judgmental fences
• • •
Unconditional love
flows like water
takes on the form of its container
I am an open faucet…

Growing Thought

One itsy bitsy
teeny weeny
little bitty thought
Doesn’t change much
‘til it grows up
Or catches onto
the bootstrap
of some powerful emotion

then WATCH OUT!!!

Waves of Emotion

Riding on the lovely wave
which arises from the depths
We came to the shore
of understanding
Steeped in exhilaration
and vague memories
of turbulent tumbles of the past
• • •
Still, I observe,
waves of emotion
never stop