Tell the Wind

The strength of their resolve
bore the weight of their decisions
In the days of supple reality
on the eve of wide awakening
• • •
Tell the wind I said hello
with lips parched by water’s edge
Give Spirit my heart
wrapped in my simple humanness
And hanging all the while
to the tendrils of sweet dreams
still flapping in the breeze

Untamed Adventure

Into those wild places
In the dusty corners of my mind

I trek on occasion
when life seems a bit mundane

Tracking down the improbable dream
seeking out traces of inspiration
and jiggy little outbursts of glee
• • •
So much important stuff
bargaining for my attention

Time for untamed adventure…

The Heart Blooms

A soft comfort
for a thrilled heart

The dream of full expression
fulfilled with success

A moment’s glory
a reason for gratitude


Every time the heart blooms
another sprout comes to fruition

Spirit celebrates
by infusing new with joy

Canopy of Leaves

The canopy of shivering leaves
danced the light across her face

Waking up dreams of soft spring days
followed by warm summer nights
each magical in their own way

On their own day
one moment at a time…

Bag of Dreams

Stitched with threads
of memories and tall tales

And felted in hot waters
of anger and Life’s passions

My bag of dreams
in it’s jeweled beauteousness
contains implements of construction

Midst huddled debris of half baked ideas
and forgotten promises

Ready to start building!