Velvet Sleep

Velvet Sleep

Velvet Sleep

Last night I went to sleep in a velvet dress my eyelids occupied in a forever state of unknowing/uncaring which path dreams would tread 
There, on that hill of understanding (or perhaps, merely familiarity) one only knows the muses whispers
Comfort sweeps the psyche releases all the little sticky things

Bless the Frog

Dreams awakened
by a frog on the forehead
have a whole different flavor
Than musings fraught
with idle moment’s fancies
or even whirring wheels
of worry’s wiles
Bless the frog
Don’t throw him across the room

Removing the Veil

Like cellophane wrapped
‘round your favorite dessert
The thinnest mind-veil
Keeps you from your dreams
Remove it
And taste the richness
Of your dreams

Canopy of Leaves

The canopy of shivering leaves
danced the light across her face

Waking up dreams of soft spring days
followed by warm summer nights
magical in their own way

Now culminating in whispered wisdom
each day shorter than the last
punctuated by bright and rusty hues

Soon the days of stark sleepiness
will hitch a ride on the coat tails
grounded fringes of color

Light askance and limpid
cleared of fluttering distractions

Bright Dream

The real thing
The truth shining through
Is obvious to the center
Where gut feelings are born
That clear truth
That speaks of everything
So apparent in anything
Shines light on the darkest corner
This bright dream
That wakes upon its dreaming
A beacon of hope’s veracity
Permeates each conscious hour

Note from Dena –  Ever since my mom passed away, in early March, I have been experiencing a catharsis through grief, which also interrupted the publishing of the Daily Napkin. I believe the mending of the  fabric of my life adds richness and depth to my creative expression, even though the process causes lapses in my daily practices.