Art in the Pit

Adding a new discipline to my schedule sometimes takes a bit. A few days ago, I fell into the pit in the middle of the street (metaphorically). I didn’t even realize it until that evening, when I became aware that I had not drunk any water (or any other liquid) all day, nor had I eaten anything. I didn’t go for the intended walk that I had committed to, and I only managed to get in 5 minutes of painting ( I have committed to 15 minutes per day no matter what) that day too.

I sat at the computer all that time, working at tedious and stressful things, in extreme discomfort and even pain. That is the dysfunctional pit that I used to get stuck in. I learned how to get out of it quite a long time ago, and even started taking a totally “different road” but suddenly this week I discovered that I had sleep-walked right back in there.

I am choosing to look at this setback as a growth challenge. I still have not walked, however I am prodding myself into active consciousness. These little lapses of self -discipline are a gentle reminder to me to open up to guidance – the Muse, higher power, whatever word works for you – because if it’s up to me to manage myself , I get too cerebral and mess things up. I begin to think that it’s up to me to figure it all out, and I literally drive myself crazy. And my art suffers. I can manage my art right into “dead”.

So I have dug myself back out of the pit, again, and I’m trying to find that different road once more.

Gettin’ Busy

Where, oh where, were you tonight?

Why was I working all by myself?
I had to fix dinner and get to a meeting
I made a mess, dear, and phht I was gone…
• • • •
Sometimes, when I get busy
It may seem that my consciousness
Does not include the home environment
Or surroundings or my close relationships

Yet, my heart is always filled
With loving appreciation and gratitude
for those closest to me

Bear and Rabbit

“How are we doing?” asked Mother Bear
seemingly so concerned with what Rabbit thought
“I’m afraid we’re short,” replied Rabbit
“Speak for yourself!” said Mother Bear
as she stood up and stretched to her full 7′
shaking off her lapse of self-assuredness
like raindrops in the sunlight
“Oooh – Sparkly!” said Rabbit
forgetting the whole conversation

Dream of a Dream

In this dream
I fell asleep
And dreamed
that I was so tired
In mid-conversation
I fell asleep
and dreamed
Multi-layered tiered
dream of a dream of a dream
And, all the while