Moon Tree

Moon Tree

Stand Tall


The City of Trees is full of trees mangled by two-leggeds. No matter how many branches or tops are chopped off, the trees remain stolid in their stance and their dedication to reaching skyward.

Winters Clouds

Winters Clouds

Springs Awakening

I have been steeped in the process these days of re-awakening to my highest potential self. This bumpy winters end has been a clear reminder of my roots and where I can find the fodder of my sustenance.  I created this image last night.

Queen of Stripes

Queen of Stripes

Her Majesty’s Self

Whether standing or not,

filled with power or something sour

the Queen of Stripes

knows naught

but else she has ordered herself

All on Board

His dreams were big
Profuse visions
Filled with joy and glory
expanding into consciousness sublime
• • •
As if on cue, his foot stepped out
with determination and faith
Though his eyes perceived
but a thin rope on which to tread
Thus, he boarded

the escalator to potential