Same Sun

Over the hill
on the other side
the day shines 
with the light
from the same sun
as this side
And, when you’re there,
on that other side,
this side 
is the other side
where daylight
under the same sun
And so it goes
the dance 
dance in the sun…


I align my mind
with Mind
Great Mystery’s Mind
I soar like
a great eagle
on the wings of life
Rejoice in today
for all we have 
at the moment
is the moment


She and I were twins once long ago
“two peas in a pod” – they said
meanwhile, clucking tongues
flapped about antics
We rode bears like horses
arms outstretched, faces alight
Rolled in the grasses and mugwort
plucking chamomile tops to bite
Until glistening hair washed in the creek
hung all akimbo and full
of bits and stems, flowers and blades
The winds were delighted, as they sang
our wild song in whispered shouts

Pull and Push

The tug boat is small, strong
and mighty of heart
As it chugs up
the river of life
pulling more than it’s weight
Pushing the river up the hill
is a lesson in futility
As it wears out
the biggest
even the mightiest of hearts


Bumble bees
don’t bumble
Have you ever noticed?
They are direct
and to the point
Now Aunt Bea-
she could bumble a bit…