Bear Herself

Bear Herself

Bear – Herself

Bear bows and dips
Pokes and delights
Ever fierce, passionate
Always loving, alive
Bear bless all
Carrys our prayers

Bear walks with wind
knows the medicine
keeps our secrets
tells our tales
Always dancing awake
Dreaming in the cave

Sequoia Dreamtime

Sequoia Dreamtime

Ancient massive trunks 
towering up to the sky
In your own dreamtime
of centuries passing
While temporal flashes 
of color and movement
from noisy two-leggeds 
and skittering chipmunks 
circulate around your roots
And ravens wing through the air overhead
I smell the subtle incense of your bark
as it glows reddish gold 
in the afternoon sunlight
And gaze up at all the unspoken mysteries
I will never know
May your roots be
ever wild and free, grandfathers,
as you reach for the stars of the cosmos…
–Marshal McKitrick
Image – Dena McKitrick
Congregation of Finches

Congregation of Finches

Congregation of golden finches
perched in treetops
Singing full throated praises
to all that is Life
Individually, yet together
no special ritual needed
– Marshal Mckitrick


Garden Lady

Garden Lady

Early Spring morning
Sunlight and fresh air
wafting through open window
Someone walking 
through the leaves
of last Fall
There stands Garden Lady
with two fists full
of bundled brown
Empowered joy
shining on her face
Barefoot on the Earth
and grounded
Hail, Spring!
–Marshal McKitrick

No Questions

Two black butterflies
flitting about the treetops
Early Spring blue sky
Standing in the sun
Grateful to be alive
No questions needed
In the moment
Nothing else is important
Just breathing and experiencing
Thank you, Creator…
Marshal McKitrick