Wildness Ways

Wildness Ways

In the wildness
where salamander scuttled
or bathed in peace
under rushing river waters
Bear would forage by
shy dear would boldly visit us
With our dusty toes
and eyes and hair as wild
as the life we led
In the canvas tent staked
near the crumbling foundation
of the old gold claim
Sun in Bones

Sun in Bones

Sun is in my bones

happiness is my heart’s name
on foggy morning
Last summer on rock
like cold blooded lizard sunned
welcomed sun in bones
Two haikus ’bout bones
summer residing in them
warm rocks are my friends
Frozen Mud

Frozen Mud

Frosty leaves on frozen mud
crackle and creak under foot
As sharp breezes cut
through nooks and crannies
I didn’t know my coat had
Briskly chafed cheeks
summon colors not unlike the leaves
Birds, hardy like crows
poke at the crisp blue sky
through mists and steel gray
With beak and wing and caws
almost muffled by the chill

Gourmet Chickens

They were all excited
clucking and rushing
Each new rock or stump
as we turned them over anew
Scraps are a treat…
but bugs and worms…
In rubber galoshes
hoods cutting the mist
We fed the chickens
and hunted bugs
How could it get any better?

Courageous Serenity

Examples aplenty
in Nature can be found
for serenity and courage
most naturally abound

Bear, for example, is easy
serenely walking the woods
yet with courage faces obstacles

And how ’bout squirrel
with all his chattering
stops to ponder for a moment
shows serenity in action
and courage planting trees
They’ve planted 4 oaks, 2 figs
2 maples and assorted grapes
in my yard