Happy Bugs

The bugs are happy
when we dig into the pile

They run hither and dither
and then hither and yon

Oh boy! Oh boy!

More food for the fodder
more rotting vegetables
enough for the mudder

Happy day in the compost pile
Happy day in the dirt
Happy day in the sunshine
Happy day in the dark

Other Side of Summer

Remember in deep summer
when the bees buzzed
and the heat held you pillowed
in the teeming meadow
and the lavender labyrinth?

This crisp chill
and watered sunlight
with staccato litany
of crunchy steps
and lonesome bird calls
is the other side of that

Now is the opportunity
to remember
the warmth within…

Doorway into Home

A hidden spot, a verdant glade
with singing birds
dragonflies, butterflies
and tinkling stream

‘Neath a canopy of dancing leaves
and stately needles and cedars

A treasure for the senses
hidden in plain view
amidst the busy-ness
tucked within the city

A doorway into Home

Treasured Blessings

Through the filter of her lens
beauty and grace sparkle
in every bend and fold
young and old inspiring

Enticing depths of understanding
wrinkles of conundrum
awakening awareness

The myriad facets
a multi-dimensional jewel

Humanity, family, nature
earth, sun, creation

Treasured blessings
life’s experiences

Meandering Butterfly

A shadowed pattern
Of circles and dots
Some intertwined, others solo

Played across the toes
connecting them to
the earth below

As the sun skittered
Across the sky
Ever brilliant in countenance

Butterfly or moth
Flittery fluttery meanderer
Lights softly for a moment
On otherwise plain foot