The Rains Came

It was dry and brown
cold to the bones chilled

Everyone chapped and uneasy

And then the rains came

The plants perked up
even amidst grey and soggy
Trees flexed with wintry breezes

Squirrels bundled up

in fluffed up fur

 And old dried tears

were washed away
when the rains came…

Effulgent Orb

That effulgent orb
glowing and lovely
behind a curtain of mist
blesses the evening

The warmth of frosty moon

Gentle keeper of the night
softened merely by your fullness

Strengthened resolve
a face in the crisp night…

Leafing Soon

Caterpillar tiptoed
careful not to put
more than one toe at a time
in the sludge

Nose in the air aloof
beefing up her arguments
“I’ll be leafing soon,”
she said to the wind

When, in fact, she knew
she’d best get on with it…

Grateful Monkey

Monkey stopped
sweet potato in hand
along the way

Paused in awe
poised upon a big rock
(A finer vista on the boulder)
to view the sunset with gratitude

And raised the tuber
in silent, respectful
homage and thanks

Heart’s Gratitude

Once, when the blue tulip bloomed
a little caterpillar awoke to the sunrise
and raised half his many legs in greetings
A salute of honor
A silent acknowledgement
of the nurturing warmth

Gratitude requires no words
It is an exercise of the heart