Basking Glory

Standing on the tramped down grass
In the heat of the day
The sound of hawks hunting
In the distant backdrop
With mountainous hillsides
And skittering fluffy clouds
In a brilliant blue
Here in this place
Where the path turns
Round and round again
I squint slightly
And bask in the glory

Of the lupine in the spring


The tiny seed sat suspended
In the waiting
With quiet excitement
Wanting with every fiber
Wishing to burst forth
And grow into
Its majestic magnificence
Waiting patiently
For the ideal conditions


Shiny dark green

That one large leaf up there
waves frantically, lyrically
all by itself, seeking attention
from the silent crowd below it

• • •

Like love, the ivy never gives up
I pull it off the fence
dig up the roots, cut branches
and it keeps on coming

Growing in tendrils
until once again
Love rules my heart

May Bridge

May blooms
as a bridge

Between winter’s grey
and summer’s crowning

May this May
bloom in your Spirit…

Tender Care

A moment in the garden
with toes exploring rich earth
face caressed by sun and breezes

Pop a tomato in the mouth
so flavor seeps juicy into cells


It starts in preparation
seeding, planting, tending

And just as you and I
care tenderly for us and each other

The daily rituals of conscious attention

So, too, the garden comes to bear fruit
and nurturing peace…