Hello Hawk

Hawk ducked under
the low trees in the backyard
to do a little dance
and say hello
Ruffle the feathers, turn around
shake the tail, bow and dip
stare for a bit and turn again
Hawk says “hi’
then soars again

Frosty Gaze

Morning frost bit
even as it decorated
every leaf and tendril
• • •
Lake choppy later
now dark and still
Water smoothing corners
wherever they threatened
with its chill countenance
• • •
Heart awakened
by hooves trampling
regained composure
as gaze partook
Snuggled deeper
in the depths of sleeping bag

Crazy Old Coyote

Crazy old Coyote man
slunk around
hiding in plain sight
Watching the silly two-leggeds
as they danced their silly dances
with such serious faces
• • • ○ • • •
Crazy like brother fox
he slipped between bushes
full of his favorite berries
Behind moss covered boulders
no weight upon his shoulders
Observing, smiling, thriving
in his version of the natural world

Bee Balm

Upon the curved lip
of turgid, achingly beautiful petals
the bee treads with loving feet
Drinking in the sweet nectar
of life’s full sustenance
gifting pollen in his wake
How blessed we are
by their sharing
Thriving on the fruits

of their loving labor


There was a group of little critters
who thought my ankles were tasty fritters
Their little hearts went all a’ twitter
as they munched and crunched away
They ate fast, they didn’t dither
as chances of survival started to wither
And I walked hither and thither
so, they didn’t have long to stay

This ain’t a eulogy of dead bug sadness
for critters succumbed to munching madness

Because I’ve gleaned a bit of gladness
telling their story, I’m happy to say