Souls Journey

Lifted up by jubilant voices
raised to a new level
in celebration and devotion

Our song of Life
expands and radiates
in proportions beyond mathematics


See those souls dancing
see their shining faces
as they journey ever onward
gathering harmony
along their way

Souls Journey

We join together hearts rejoicing
circled up to share some songs
Devotional praises abounding
heartfelt rhythms move us along
A group of friends called Souls Journey
We play music and sing of Light
God, Goddess, Spirit, Great Mystery
kiirtan dance and chant delight
On the road of Life we travel
each one follows deep heart yearning
Let us gather now, sing out loving praises
for we are all on our Souls Journey

Dry Wells

It used to be we’d gather ’round
the Well of Life, as one
A community, come together
to fill up and be nourished
As much by each other’s company
as our thirst was slaked by water
Now, we thirst and hunger more
as if blinded by self-determination
we each attempt to dig our own
It gives a new meaning
to “holy ground”
All these dry wells
and still we hunger for community
for family…

Life Blessed

Surrounded by community

Lifted up and supported

By their love and actions

He grew up sure of himself

With a heightened sense

Of his integral part of it all

And a solid knowing

That he had been gifted

With a life blessed with purpose

His heart sang natural gratitude

To the Great Mystery of it all


Like spokes on a wheel

We are each integral

To the circle of Life

Spinning toward our destiny

Each adding strength

Doing our individual part

To keep the wheel round

I used to be bent

The support of those around me

And the force of the spin

Have straightened me out..