Push and tug
up and down
Sometimes the journey
is not all about sound
Keeping the centered feeling
where it can be found
We sing in joyousness
we dance barefoot on the ground
‘Round and ‘round in circles
whether in country or town
Our souls just playing
They/ we just keep playing…
Far, far away from here
the rain falls
the worms and bugs crawl
And there are folks
not much different than us at all
Life’s experiences and foibles
circle ‘round
from city to town
On top of the world or down
humanity laughs and frowns
All One…
Concentric circles
one within the other
ad infinitum
jostled only by the movement
of life
which is also infinite
Gee, it must all be alive
some parts
just playing hide-n-seek
for the joy of it
Enter the circle
in a humble way
patting the earth
Enter the circle
as we join to pray
joining voices together
For in the circle
on the plane of life
all are equal, all are family
all are welcome
Enter the circle
in the medicine way