Everyone of us
starts off in life
with at least two miracles
under our belt
Two and counting
Every day after that
that we continue to breathe
is another miracle
May today and everyday
here on out be miraculous
beyond your sweetest dreams
Celebrate the miracle of you…
He developed a fancy tool
It had flaps
like airplane wings
and very sophisticated mechanisms
all created for one purpose
Yet still it was very difficult
pushing the river
It was a blessed day
when it failed
and he surrendered
We have a smashing good time
cavorting like squirrels
celebrating sunlight and acorns
And that dance of Spirit
wanders like a caravan of gypsies
through our tender heart space
even on the darkest of days
For we are blessed
you and I and all
Blessed beyond measure
with Love
He finally came to accept
all of who he was…
And in that acceptance
came to realize
the glory of his Spirit
At the same time
he resided in the lodge of his heart
for the full season
Many blessings befell him
Shallow waters
still or quick
magnify all aspects
of washed terrain beneath
• • • •
Let us bathe in Spirit’s shower
revealing hearts so clearly
Washed by tears of longing
clarified from within
• • • •
Shallow waters
can run deep…