Once in the past
(a moment, a day, or years ago)
our eyes met
I knew you then
as if I’d known you always
My heart expanded
aching joy and love
and I knew bliss
Forever friends
my dear sweet partner
It’s so easy to count the blessings
of having you in my life
When I consider
a lifetime of days
As strings of baubles
jewels lined up
Sparkling with the light
of love and appreciation
Thank you…
even though it may sometimes
seem that I take you for granted
or some such
the truth is I appreciate you
for who you are – all of you
for all you do
for all you refrain from doing
for being my friend always
even when I’m acting
like a putz
On any given day
when my belief may have waned
Or at the times I was filled
with puffed up self
You’ve been there beside me
loving me
You’re the best kind of friend
any one could ever hope for
In my quiet time
and when I’m dancing with delight
I know gratitude
for you in my life
Thank you…
We met in such a casual way
and instantly I liked you
Though times, I wondered
“What the heck?”
Many more times, I’ve just enjoyed you
It seems forever we’ve been friends
an eternity I’ve known you
And in my heart such gratitude
for the opportunity to walk beside you
in appreciation of your being
Someone I can count on
this day and every one
Thank you for being my friend…