The Journey

The Journey

The Journey
You may find exhilarating storms of hope
placid lakes of indifference
and rushing streams of joy
still throughout your intrepid journey
the constant thread stitches all
together in the heart


Friends once met
trod upon the new found path
stepped light and joyous
Frolicked as young animals
thoughts bantered about
 mutual synapses made
Years and years following
weighed lofty, stark, or frequent
 familiarity springs deeper
Appearances only gently hide
the depths of love
intricacies of
our friendship eternal

Howdy Partner

Partners in life (but not crime)
In celebration and growth
In sadness and sickness
In joy and contemplation
Partners in humor and dance
In cleaning and work
In entertainment and travel
In reverence and strength
Partners for now each day
In tomorrows and yesterdays
In tears and smiles
For a long, long while
Howdy partner, saying “Hi,”
As we traverse this life, you and I

The Journey

Kind of pretty on the outside
light poking through crevices
Showing off the sparkly parts
more subdued on the inside
Words like clouds and picket fence
challenges and expanding hearts
come to mind
Clothing hitched up to cross the stream
time to get toes dirty in the mud
Breezes flapping hair and cloth
heart intrepid in the face of fear

Best friends side by side sometimes
and off on our own side path
at other times
discovering myriad nooks and crannies
as we keep going forward

Begin the journey once again
midstream at the start
Who knows where
at the end…

Today we celebrate our journey midstream. It’s our 10 year anniversary!

Buddy Fun

Me and my best buddy
are easily entertained
It doesn’t take much
for the Muse to strike us
with ideas – two- four or many
Flinging epiphanies
singing new songs
giggling at each other
Oh, my!  It’s so much fun!