Sweet Friendship

They sprinkled spices
on their friendship
and a bit of sweetness, too

Every time they escaped
the mundane ho-hum
thoughts of each other

Dancing instead
out the side door

into the lovely sunlight

Deja Vu

After these years together
as some sparkling new day begins
so many times I notice
it’s déjà vu all over again

Familiarity, it seems
(at least, in our experience)
causes not contemptuous lip

Instead a deepening of Love

With new eyes, I see you again
a whole new being with tender spots
and blossoming heart
Ever richer connection

Palpable Love

“I appreciate you,”
she said to the good man
that is her loving partner in Life
“I cherish you,”
he said to the good woman
who stood beaming Joy right in front of him
And their Love was palpable
in that simple expression of Truth…
*Today’s napkin was co-written by Dena and Marshal.

Childish Hearts

all mumbly was my memory
with sparkly spots
here and there
‘til in dream awoke
bright and shiny
warm and pleasant summer day

and you and I
with childish hearts
hunkered down
on plastic ride toys
and raced on giggles

‘til falling over with glee

Going with the Knowing

Bold feelings energized
by luscious experiences

Each day of life packed full
of whole-hearted living

We relish the little things
and expand for the huge

Going with the knowing
whispered in silence
and shouted on the wind

Hey there, fellow traveler
thank you for the companionship!