We are surrounded
by incredible and
wondrous Beauty
Take a moment to catch some
with your eyes or your ears
or your heart today
Catch the Beauty
and pass it on…
What beauty lies within today’s challenges?
What soul wisdom?
A pearl of wisdom
Is truly borne
From a gritty seed of challenge
Beautified by our attention
As we wrap ourselves around it
Feelings rise up and out
charging forward
a herd of wild horses
Best expressing the beauty
of their existence
when running free
unhampered by judgmental fences
• • •
Unconditional love
flows like water
takes on the form of its container
I am an open faucet…
The cobbled walkway
traversed the garden
and ended in private places
Where big blue containers
ceramic and overflowing
with brilliant red geraniums
sat spritely next to
old wooden benches
Near the tiny stoops
in front of ancient wooden doors
There the brightly colored
speckled painted walls
reached to cloudless sky