Reputation of Repetition

He expanded his philosophy
as they expounded on theories
The reputation of repetition
rose the bar on understanding
Etheric answers floated
midst fancy verbal construction
drifting up near the ceiling
of comprehended truth
Oh, the heady beauty of
bantered intellectual gardening

Beauty’s Essence

She spins a beauty way
Gossamer threads
or chunky oil rigs
given half a turn
Her nimble fingers twist
preparing a new tapestry
while those who would philosophize
turn only phrases in their heads
Every spot is sacred
each moment divine
Her Spinning changes everything
Beauty’s essence in time…

Blessed Mud

Down in the valley
the small pool is hidden
from the sun
There, for blessed moments each day,
The fireflies glow and the mosses know peace
And, the lotus opens
in a burst of beauty
Toes sunk deep
In the murk and the mud

New Territory

In between
the words seeped in
filling up the gaps
Promised to become agates
jewels of wisdom quiet
in a thousand years or ten
The geography of relationship
a thing of beauty, at worst
when observed from a distance
Looking at us from a 1,000 feet up
there is a landscape of swirls
and incredibly lush color
as we enter brand new territory

God’s Jewel

A crystal
clear and whole
Contains a simple beauty
a microcosmic piece
of all that is, a jewel of God
And, so do you…