Moon Dance

Peach orb softly smiling

Drops the skirt of pine and oak

Glides in slow dance

Into star-studded velvet


Sometimes the moon

Teases my thoughts

Awakens memories

Of the vastness of Life

Envelope of mystery

As broad as infinity

As intimate as my last breath


Most all of the time

the beauty noticed

pierced his toughened armor

Allowing the brightness of Love

to stir his soul

Destination Unknown

On the road to some unknown dreaming…

Beauty peace and thrill

all plentiful-road stands

on familiar byways

Landscape speckled

with billboards of consciousness

selling truths

of a deep and meaningful nature

Experiences sprinkled

with meals spent with friends

and relatives on warm evenings

fed by the soul



the rose

even the most perfect

each petal

unique in its curl and turn

ruffled expression

Flaws glorified

by sweet aroma

and presentation

as part of the whole

All one in beauty



On the lone hillside

green going on for miles

the single massive oak

luxuriates in worship of the sun

toe roots buried deep


To sit there in similar fashion

soak up the sun’s rays

buried in deep verdant velvet

at rainbow’s end?

No, it is the beginning…