Where no birds sang

On the rock,
where no birds sang
and soft breezes
dared not blow
with tears of joy and blessing,
bones warmed by the sun
feet dangled over the precipice
There (and only there)
life peeked out verdant
with sticker bushes
and hope blooming
for seeking glances

Little Worm

Once, there was a little worm
who thought he could climb
to the top of the tallest tree.

So he did.

The view was incredible,
from his little worm perspective,
even though the tree
overlooked the junkyard.

Wormy gorgeous!

Worm was filled with gratitude.

Life – The Gift

The eyes of
Great Mystery
shine with the
light of joy…
Life…what a gift!
Moths in the Twilight

Moths in the Twilight

Like moths in the twilight

the aspen leaves quiver

to hear the whisper
of our loving thoughts
of gratitude

blown on our breath
to true source

We are so blessed
to live …

Bath of Spirit

Bath of Spirit

The Daily Napkin

Bath of Spirit

Steeped in a bath
of Spirit stuff —-
full flavor
awakening and expanding
like her favorite tea,
she flowered and blossomed,
even more than when a bush,
more fully with every bit
of her being.
–Always loved baths.