
In retrospect
the wild moments
lined up in memory
as beads on a string
held space in my life
with sparkle and shine,
allowed those hues
of a more subtle nature
isolation necessary
to hold their own
to treasure
Jolly spacers


Buzzing in the fields
They dance from bloom
to bloom to bloom
Mother’s helpers
providing connection
providing assistance
providing our food

Juicy Moon

Juicy juicy life
The peachy orb rose
at dusk, held tender
by intimate breezes
kept aloft and rising
by simply being
I breathed in the texture of it
and the scent of blooming trees

Past Moment

You were there
on the stoop by the laundry line
grinning with accomplishment
resting for a moment
on the bubble of completion
just before stepping out
in new directions…
For me, there will always be
that moment
even though trillions of moments
have been each relished
in their own right

Every Child

“You can’t always hit it out of the ballpark”, he said.

“Yes”, she replied, “And…

A mother loves each
and every child
with all her heart.”

Each new effort
every creation
sparked by the Muse
expanded from the ethers
a new child
lovingly brought forth

Perhaps each delicate blossom
bears not full grown fruit
yet the beauty
of the shrunken petal
yearns for appreciation
for its flowering
and its shrinking