Old Pixie Portrait

Old Pixie Portrait

Leaf Me Alone to My Own Devices


Today’s image was the result of a prompt in Melissa Dinwiddie’s “Creative Sandbox 101: Kickstart Your Creativity With the Power of Play” which I’m doing in her Creative Ignition Club.

I did two separate 15 minute sessions: one photographing myself and one playing with those images in Photoshop. I was strict with myself on the timing. I took 103 images of myself, playing with props, lighting, indoors-outdoors, making faces, looking all different directions.

I have needed a more updated image of myself, yet have been reluctant because I am not fond of how old I look right now (I suspect I’ll have to get used to it!), so I was hoping the camera would secretly do some kind of time warp thing and take a photo of me about 20 years ago. No such luck!

Of the 103 images, I gleaned 44 worth looking at twice, which I narrowed down to an even dozen to play with. This was the winner. It playfully expresses a true bit of me without making me look like Methusilah’s mother. Since I spent so much time ( a full half hour plus comment time) on this today, I am posting it on my blog as my daily image.

Thanks Melissa for the fun project, and the new way of approaching image making! I always enjoy your way of inspiring me to raise the bar on my creativity.

Etched in Pixels

Etched in Pixels

Sunrise and sunset are my favorites…

(except, maybe,  for Day and Night)

It was a long day. I just got home and realized I had not completed preparing an image for today. I’m consciously deciding that this is one of those occasions that “Anything worth doing is worth doing mediocre.” Otherwise, I would not post an image this evening. There is a quality about this image that really speaks to me, yet I am certain that I could spend several more hours futzing with it to get it closer to some unknown ideal.  Really, I don’t need to bludgeon it to death.

Rainbow Dancer

Rainbow Dancer

Originally I did this mixed media piece by hand years ago. It became water damaged and tattered. Tonight I decided to rejuvenate it. It relates to my willingness to stand in who I am and live up to my full potential and I feel empowered by it. I actually did bellydance in Hollywood, by the way… and Cucamonga!

Springing Spring

Springing Spring

Speaking with Tulips

I headed out for my daily 20 minute walk with camera in hand. It was an hour before I got back home. I was certain that it was only 15 or 20 minutes. I fell in love with the gardens in the neighborhood. I fell head over heels.

Abstract with Bubbles

Abstract with Bubbles


Sometimes things just don’t work out anywhere near planned. Oh, well. I liked the little drawing – doodle drawing actually. So, I thought that I would try doing something with it. I did something with it alright. I am just not sure what. C’est la vie.

Rabbit Foot Fern

Rabbit Foot Fern

Lucky Fern

As luck would have it, there has always been a rabbit’s foot fern around somewhere in my life. Nowadays, it lives out in my yard, hanging from a hook on the fence.  There is a clean beauty to an ink drawing which I have always been attracted to. I enjoy the challenge of drawing them because I restrict myself from any prior pencil marks, and I have to work with what I put down initially. I enjoy having to commit like that. It’s very honest, somehow. The layers of images added in Photoshop add a richness. I’ve said that before, and I’ll probably say it again.