Art, The Artist, and Daily living

Each and everyday is a new one, with new experiences, new challenges, and a new list of things that I absolutely have to get done yesterday.

I love doing art. It is the center of me. What I mean by that is that when I am fully engaged in creative expression, I am connected and lined up and centered in Spirit, in God, in life, in being the most me that I can be.

When I am not “doing art”, when I have stepped on the hose that delivers God-juice, when I am ignoring my needs and inspiration, then I get feeling all out of sync. If this goes on for any length of time (and sometimes it does), I lose myself and drift back into old dysfunction and depression – a slippery slope for me.

The road out of this is gratitude. I am so very grateful for the wonderful gift of life, and for each brand new day. I am grateful and I give conscious thanks for all of the relationships and situations, opportunities and challenges in this life.

Blending Fine Art and Technology

Every time I approach a new project it seems I must re-enter beginners mind in order to learn some new technological trick. There is a blessing to computers and ALL the stuff you can do online, as it opens up whole new venues that you can explore endlessly. A downside to this is that you can explore endlessly, and not get anything accomplished. I learn in cycles, it seems, and the web world is a great place for going around in circles. As I daily attempt the seemless blending of my find art and technology, I rediscover this conundrum. Time to breathe deep, and grab a cup of tea, while I re-think what it is that I wish to accomplish.

Each New Day

Each New Day

Everyday gets better. Everyday I wake up in gratitude for the wonderful gift of life and the brand new day. I am a peace maker, a peace keeper. It is my job (as it many others) to keep peace in my heart no matter what life looks like on the outside. One way that I keep peace is by immersing myself in the eternal peace available to us in communion with Spirit. I enter that state of grace most often through art, allowing Spirit to express through this vehicle I call me.
We are all fellow travelers in this life. Welcome to a glimpse at my path, my travels, my view. It is my hope that by sharing from my heart, we may find our commonalities. Perhaps we may meet in that field of which Rumi talks: “Out beyond ideas of right and wrong, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” In the field of Spirit, where the love of God’s grace, the vast territory of Great Mystery exists.
Artist Statement

Artist Statement

Creative expression is my lifeblood. Doing art is somewhere at the very center of my being. It is who I am, what I do. It is the magic that binds my life together, and helps me to make sense of it all. It is a joyous, wonderful experience for me, a constantly expanding adventure that I feel compelled to include in my daily life.

My life is a tapestry of unusual and diverse experiences. My work is reflective of that diversity and my deep and abiding connection to Spirit, as I live my mission: To act as a catalyst for growth by channeling Spirit’s Love, Light, and Joy in whatever creative energy form it expresses through me.

It is my intention to act as a catalyst for growth by being a clear channel for Divine Spirits love, light and creative expression. I receive guidance through the ever-overflowing artesian well of joy in my heart gifted to me by Spirit.