Falling from pensive lips
the words splattered
on cheeks crimsoned
by embarrassment
Thoughtlessly thoughtful
sentences and deeds
oft times awaken
deeper feelings
All in all, beneath it all
Love shines still
Remembering, remembered
A daily practice
a dose of love
Given lavishly
without hesitation
even on the darker days
or hours so busy
there is no time
for actual evidence
Written out in loving long hand
and kissed by heart’s instincts
It was just kinda’ quirky
the way that system worked
Suddenly, there was a plethora
of passionate supporters
Cheering on her
every creative endeavor
The path meandered
around this fountain
up over the footbridge
down by the huge oak
in the valley
He was always taking shortcuts
getting caught in the brambles
slipping on the rocky slope
One day, he just stuck to the path
Ah, what a peaceful experience…