Favorite Shadow

He wrestled with
his favorite shadow
Tenaciously chomping
his chops
Until they were both
simply worn out
And fell asleep
peaceful as babes

Seed of Life

One thing
that always comes up
Is the little seed of Life
within each moment
Each situation
Each eternity…

Hello Hawk

Hawk ducked under
the low trees in the backyard
To do a little dance
and say hello
Ruffle the feathers, turn around
shake the tail, bow and dip
stare for a bit and turn again
Hawk says “hi’

then soars again

Silence of the Squirrel

Baby squirrel
all sweet and soft looking
sat on his favorite branch
Washing face with
the backs of his paws
thoroughly involved in the task
Then, stillness overcame
his every fiber
Looking sideways at that big person
there in the kitchen window
In a flash, he was gone!

Catching the Breeze

Living on mountain tops
or frolicking on rooftops
Humans can catch
the breezes in their hair
More alive simply
because of placement
Ah, but the real trick
is catching the breezes
in the stillness of the quiet valleys