Tulip tree popping
in the early morning
sidelong light
Looking all bright and Springy
in the stillness of chilly air
• • •
How is it Winter’s passing
in deluge or fits and starts
is sung so sweetly at bitter end
By light and happy birds
winging crazily in praise
dancing to their own bird song?
• • •
How is it my Spirit soars
as if I were one of them?
The most noxious weed
provides the best antidote
for those who suffer allergy
The most obnoxious person
provides the best antidote
For those of that strive
always for perfection
God bless them both
Walking down a new street
a bit timid, still moving feet
When big blackbirds, crows I think
came diving at my head, crawking and squawking
putting up a stink
Fear came and roosted
in my screaming countenance
waving arms and hands around my head
doing the scaredy-cat dance
Until I turned around
and chose a different street instead
The flower bloomed
without thinking about it
In its nature
lies the blooming factor
Barely waiting
to burst forth and rejoice
like a songbird at dawn
Slow and steady works best
when slogging through
the mud of Life
(Unless, one has perfected
tiptoeing across the top…)
Muddled and cuddled
by squishy earth and water
the stuff of dreams or nightmares
And, great for the skin
with other immediate benefits
even as it sucks you in
Just when I thought
I was too deep in mud
The water softened
revealing rocks beneath
And, sun above, cheering
cleared my way
slow and steady
And tenacity arrived
at a brighter day