Gorgeous blossom
hiding place for
the squirrel today
Sprinkled over the landscape
awaiting an unknown bride tomorrow
two love-doves
in the garden
Come to roost
to sing their loving song
We are even more blessed!
I didn’t imagine that possible
Like cavorting dolphins
they flowed through life
seemingly carefree
With unabashed abandon
poking at turtles
and elbowing whales
Exuberance abounds
in my heart of hearts
When we allow our little kids
from the inside into outside
to cavort and play
The spiral of
our Soul’s path
Takes us ever
nearer the center
The One,
the all we never left
Meanwhile, even in Cucamonga
life is only experienced
one moment at a time
So, live it up, my friends
Others may spot
a vein of your gold
AND it is up to you
to work your own mine
• • •
Meanwhile, your Spirit shines
when you least expect
Innocence peeking
from twinkly eyes…