It’s not hard to do
what feels right
in our heart
We just enjoy resisting it
so we can enjoy it even more
once we allow ourselves
to do it..
A kind of roundabout
false valuing
which backfires a lot
I’m thinking, hmmmm,
why not go for the pure joy
Stepping out of the dark wood
where dappled fronds hide
tucked away between falls and rock
Stepping into meadow rich
green and flowers
butterflies and birds
A gurgling stream somewhere
near the pond with sunning rock
Thus, begins an inner journey…
Isn’t it funny
how our minds think
we can do magic?
How we think
we can bend time
or travel instantaneously?
The even funnier part
is that we really can —
When we realize the truth
of our perceptions and being
In the old shack, a lean-to, really
life was a new adventure
We raked the packed dirt floors
to clean up what the dog or squirrels didn’t eat
And ventured out on the darkest nights
to find the outhouse built of used doors
Relatively quiet, except for
the singing pines
The day Mom told the
watching-patiently-with-intense-desire dog
“Get him!”
And, thus began the frantic days
the Year of the Squirrel wars…
How far must I toss my dreams
to be clear of my fears
and my blocks and beliefs and things?
Into the Outfield, fallow and weedy?
Where sustenance and nurturing
are catch as catch can?
Perhaps it’s best not to toss at all
instead, to plant gently in my heart?
There, fear’s vibration and
the waves of old beliefs
create a song…
It’s all just vibration, after all
it’s up to me to tune it