Little squirrel sat there
(squatted actually)
Staring at me
as I stared at her
Caught in a moment
for more than several
Neither wishing
to break the connection
or be the one who lost
the staring contest
Finally, I had mercy
looked away, broke the spell
Squirrel flicked tail and ran off
down the fence
Ceremonial gratitudes
performed with engaged heart
Send out waves of light
and lots of love juice
I am grateful for Spirit’s presence
in my life
She knew she had arrived
for as she entered the meadow
her insides lit up
Dragonflies and butterflies
birds, porcupines, and deer
all greeted her
As they arrived in ones and twos
and some in family groups
in a lilting silence
filled with happy sound
alive with happy possibilities
A circle of life gathered
collecting the hearts
into a chorus of celebration
awakening intentional joy