Group Hug

Group hug time!

Reaching with hands to hands
both tenuous and bold
In-filling with the love
-that each of us seeks-
-that each of us is
Until our mutual love battery
Is fully charged
and hugging the entire planet
With love and more love
From us kids to the
big, beautiful, loving Mother Earth!


The seed of sincerity
Transforms our hearts
Into the flower
Of unconditional love
The Grace of the moment
As it blooms with desire
For the Beloved
Spirit stirring
In the heart…

Organic Feelings

She tells her stories
With big engagement
Ensconced in the drama
Riding along the emotions
It’s so real
Until the day
Immersed in silence
The bliss overwhelming
Detachment was born
She tells the stories
As if, as if
Digging into the rich soil
Organic feelings
Harvested by wisdom’s hands
Tasty, juicy tomato tales

Heaven’s Heart

I woke up this very morning
with a smile playing across my face
and a song singing
in my heart of hearts
While the melody of Spirit
plays within me
in this very moment
magic occurs, birds fly
And the stars burn
with fervent passion for life
ever renewed, quickening
in the heavens

New Territory

In between
the words seeped in
filling up the gaps
Promised to become agates
jewels of wisdom quiet
in a thousand years or ten
The geography of relationship
a thing of beauty, at worst
when observed from a distance
Looking at us from a 1,000 feet up
there is a landscape of swirls
and incredibly lush color
as we enter brand new territory