Unique Design

We each wear a beaded belt
of unique and shifting design
Every moment of our lives
 a different shade
a hue of emotions
each cast 
as a light-glittered glass bead
The unique beauty of you


With the noble intention
of soul to soul communication
Words and emotions drifted
through intricate filtering systems
Codified, classified, intensified
approved or laid to the side

• • •

Eventually, hearts speak
A row of strangers merges
into common denominators
Shared pain or laughter
mutual experience
seeps through filters


That little bug
The one I’d never seen before
With his iridescent wings
And that smiley marking
On his little shoulder
Just walked into my salad
Is it still safe to eat…? 
(sans the buggy protein of course)

Reputation of Repetition

He expanded his philosophy
as they expounded on theories
The reputation of repetition
rose the bar on understanding
Etheric answers floated
midst fancy verbal construction
drifting up near the ceiling
of comprehended truth
Oh, the heady beauty of
bantered intellectual gardening

An Eternal Moment of Love

Angels singing
with the mourning dove
wakes me to the new day
whispering my name
my real name…
the praying mantis
is always praying 
every moment
with every part of its being
Such is living in the now
In the Now
I eternally love life