year one – silence

Silence is
an important part
of communication
as you listen to
the space between
the moments

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, December 8 , 2009 (bonus)

As I release preconceptions
and blend into the moment
every sound awakes my senses
and my edges soften
Hear the frogs, the crickets chirping
the man whistling to the birds
feel the warmth arising
stillness wafts throughout
No longer held back by the words
eternal peace in every moment
rising joy kisses my heart

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Daily Napkin for Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Before dawn, before the birds
in the dark, the smell of sage
burning sage, a wakeup call
and so we gathered
'round the fire to dance
to sing the world awake
We tatooed Earth with our feet
steady footsteps to the drum
sang each bird, each 4 legged,
every one awake and honored
and then the Sun
And gave thanks for the new day

Daily Napkin for Monday, December 7, 2009

Let's pretend
another era, another time
get out the tea set
dress up in big hats
tie pin and cravat
tea most high
with scones and other goodies
and long conversation
tidbits and conviviality…
You and I

Twofer from Year 1

Twofer from Year 1

Who loves the scorpion-
the big ugly bug with deadly sting?
God does.
Brother scorpion is part of all creation
just as are we

Yes to life
Yes to all that life delivers!
Yes to the full expression
of Spirit in my life!