The roar of the dandy lion
a mighty fairy wind
tiny parachutes loosed
persistent warriors
causing bile to rise
from buried strongholds
Life’s tonics arise
cheerful yellow disguise
before deployment
we cursed China’s allies
yet they guard our fortress
equally vigilant
In retrospect
the wild moments
lined up in memory
as beads on a string
held space in my life
with sparkle and shine,
allowed those hues
of a more subtle nature
isolation necessary
to hold their own
to treasure
Jolly spacers
Like fairy dust
spread wide in a windstorm
epiphanies sparkled
in spurts and spots
inspiration marked
a seemingly random course
testing faith with ordered judgements
“Ah,” she said, “Ah-ha!”
“Ah choooo!”
And off we went again…
Real rainbows race
across the sky ethereal
Raucous ravens raise
the sky roof on wings
and peck through
illusion with beaks
of gold
Buzzing in the fields
They dance from bloom
to bloom to bloom
Mother’s helpers
providing connection
providing assistance
providing our food