

There is a mystery

surrounding the question

or its’ origin, its’ destination

and so she sat with the what its

until her head was spinning

yet always 

her heartbeat was steady



“Don’t get snagged for long,” she said.

“On sharp little thoughts aggrieved

or spent on consternations path,

For every pulled thread provides a 

God line, a reminder of our humanity,

and still the weaving, warp and weft,

continues to describe the pattern of our lives.”

I’ve been doing my creative work without posting it (for the most part) for the last several years, because I was working on pulling all of my different websites together into this one. Recently, my husband found another stash of my Daily Napkins which had not yet been published. At the same time, I’ve been wanting to challenge myself to some “daily” creative practice once more. 

A lot of my recent work has involved layering – both directly on a canvas, and digitally with a variety of pieces of different original works. As in this one, I will post pics of the components, if I have time or inclination. 

Be-Bop Buddha

Be-Bop Buddha

He’s a be-bop Buddha

snazzin’ that jazzin’

all the day…


Got tunes and licks

running round

in his brain


I’ve been doing my creative work without posting it (for the most part) for the last several years, because I was working on pulling all of my different websites together into this one. Recently, my husband found another stash of my Daily Napkins which had not yet been published. At the same time, I’ve been wanting to challenge myself to some “daily” creative practice once more. 

A lot of my recent work has involved layering – both directly on a canvas, and digitally with a variety of pieces of different original works. As in this one, I will post pics of the components, if I have time or inclination. 

Creative Mind

Creative Mind

Stones of Change header
Creative Mind stone

Creative Mind Stone

A creative mind is the keystone to awakening and nurturing of your intuitive self. The creative mind stone sits in the North. She contains the rainbow of possibilities hidden within her cracked and chipped exterior. She is open in mind and spirit to the infinite flow of all that is, where solutions reside via access through the creative thought process. This stone may also refer to engaging creative thinking.

The Journey

The Journey

The Journey
You may find exhilarating storms of hope
placid lakes of indifference
and rushing streams of joy
still throughout your intrepid journey
the constant thread stitches all
together in the heart