ours is not to “get it”
Understanding may come
oh, so very much later
right now is
simply right now
time to deal with “it”
or not
Engaged in each nuance
of the present moment
no more
ours is not to “get it”
Understanding may come
oh, so very much later
right now is
simply right now
time to deal with “it”
or not
Engaged in each nuance
of the present moment
no more
Baring my soul to Bear
witness of my dreams
lumbering past
bushels of fears and fancies
medicine teacher
gruffly grumbles and growls
beware the bear hug
just might crush you
smothered in love
or cast you correction
with the bat of a paw
On the farm
all work together
‘neath the sun’s sweet rays
in a symbiotic dance
of life
in interconnected wovenness
Till me a tale
sing me a song
buzz ’round the blooms
and I’ll hum all day long
at the beginning
on a new day
ripe with possibilities
and deeply founded hope
Faith was born
of the heart
in a moment which stood still
for a moment
… back to work
the birth of Grace
Momma bird sits
the eye of peace upon me
a pile of sticks and feathers
beneath her
gentle sky peeking
through the greenage above
A gift of love
a piece of peace
laid out before me