Gathered beneath the trees,
the flowered ones
huge and majestic
on that knob of a hill
where sun baked thoughts
of lazing about
or travel on yachts
There we sang
in full resonant force
of life and with zest
Our voices blessing the landscape
like coyotes in the distance
and there we awoke
a new dream
A simple song, really
threads it’s way
throughout my consciousness
embeds itself with ease
in the intricate corners
so that at every turn
of phrase or moment
there it pops up
sparks epiphanies
inciting insights
Tell me a story
Of herstory in balance
where all the heroes
are peaceful
and the lowly
are thriving in joy
Then let us work together
or, even better, play
to make this a reality story
for our children’s children’s children
On the lone hillside
green going on for miles
the single massive oak
luxuriates in worship of the sun
toe roots buried deep
To sit there in similar fashion
soak up the sun’s rays
buried in deep verdant velvet
at rainbow’s end?
No, it is the beginning…
Through the window
and all the shades of green
a single spot of creamy white
like the orb of the moon
on a soft summer night
The very first pearl of the year
harbinger of joyous celebration
on jeweled crown
Magnolia grandiflora
magnificence in perfection
almost too sweet for the eye