Next Layer

What does it take to jump
over the flame of understanding?
Leaping through fear
landing in the opportunity
of self-reflection and worth
Whatever it takes
the value is intrinsic
The worth was always there
Merely the compelling argument
or rough joyous impulse
deliver us to our newest redemption
The next layer of the adventure…

Prosperity of Relationship

A lifetime collection of friends
a bulging pouch of beautiful jewels
a wealth of warmth and love
Each friend of many facets
sparkles in my mind
rises warmly as joy in my heart
An abundance of kindred souls
each one a priceless treasure 
fills me with deep gratitude
Thank you for standing with me
and walking beside me
holding me in your heart
helping me realize
the prosperity of relationship

True Faith

The perfect place…
the perfect time…
How can I see that?
How can I surrender
to the faith 
that that is true 
and take action
to change
• • •
The space between
your vision and what is right now
Is called Faith…
I have deep faith
that we all shall grow
that we are growing
in Spirit


Once there was a story
a lovely, engaging little yarn
filled with drama
sadness and happiness
stress and peace
The retelling of this archival tale 
jogged memories
provoked feelings
held me hostage to the past

Until one day
and spiffed up 
I let it go
I forgot it…

Next Moment

Needing to make it
to the next marker of time
Engaged in the activity
of an illustrious hour
or something more mundane
Meanwhile,  squirrels play
in the shiny sunlight
Red tail there, sparkling
in a dazzled kind of way
(certainly, not a mean way)
Light quickly dappling
upon the windows of my soul
as I wind up tighter and tighter
in my rush to get to the next moment