Grateful Morning

“Good morning!”, she said with exuberance
“Thank goodness for this brand new day!”

And all the stars sang back
and the sun sent her extra love
and the flowers awoke
in a burst of new morning fragrance

“It is a good day to be alive!”


Baby foxes trotting down
the road

Mischievious and playful
little tongues lolling

They bat each other in play
and roll in the sweet
aroma of redwood needles
and fox gaiety.


Promise Kept

The promise kept
in word and deed
like a tiny seed germinates

Sends out roots and shoots
to grow and flourish
I promised myself
in heartfelt earnest
and set about
fulfilling it

Joy grows in me

The Meadow

Over in the meadow
where the horses play
and those tiny yellow blossoms
bloom like wildfire

The verdant earth
and the turquoise sky
all join forces to provide
a visceral feast for my eyes

Ah! Life is rich!

Happy Birthday to all!

Everyday’s a birthday!

Let’s celebrate our birthday today —
how many days?

Each day a new gift
of life, of love, of light
of experience,of drama
and excitement, of joy
and sorrow…

Happy Birthday to all!