Never Alone

There, on that rise,
do you see the little
teeny person jumping and waving?
Just trying to get the attention
and wanting love
“Alone” on the hill
Doesn’t realize
he’s never alone
that I always love him


Awakening to the spotted light
hung on crisp breezes
riffling through fresh, green leaves
Syncopated thoughts
join the serrated rhythm
of an early morning dance
The light tickles all the senses
nudging memories
outside the race and keep up
of these quick and scheduled days

Bright Moon

Listen to the darkness
Listen to the light
Listen to the hoot
of the owl in the night
Is it a dream when
silent wings take flight?
Whispers the moon
with her face so bright
• • •
And, now, as the moon wanes
her face hiding behind wisps
of billowy hair clouds
Remember the glory
of her spirit…


There –
That still point within
Without which
All is chaos
There –
Is the home
Of your peaceful spirit

New Habits

As you embark
on the journey
of new habit
May the road
of intentions
prove smooth and joyous
I yearn
like the heart
of Great Spirit yearns
for Joy…